One of the most important things you can do for your family and loved ones is to have a Will. Your family will always be better off if you have a Will.
Having a Will means you decide:
We can help you with:
Wills/Estate Planning
If you don’t have a Will, the State decides who gets your property in accordance with a formula set down at law.
Estate Planning is not just about having a Will. Superannuation, family trusts and life insurance are not covered by your Will so it’s important you have everything in place to ensure that your assets end up where you want them to.
You’ve spent your life building your wealth so it’s important that you ensure that the people you intend to benefit do so with the best possible asset protection and tax advantages possible.
At de Voil Legal we provide you with the assistance and advice you need from simple Wills to more complex matters involving Testamentary Trusts, self-managed super funds and family trusts. We also have extensive experience in estate planning for blended families and beneficiaries with special needs.
A thorough estate plan also involves having Enduring Powers of Attorney in place.
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