If you’ve lost a loved one and/or you have been appointed as Executor of a Will we are here to help you.  We will make this process as smooth and as time efficient as possible. 

We know that this process can be daunting and time consuming so we will help you when it suits you.  If you’d prefer to meet in your home, then we will come to you at no additional charge.  We are transparent about our fees and don’t charge a fixed sum or percentage based on the value of the estate.  We charge for the work we do not the size of the estate.​

Deceased Estates

We will guide you through the process of applying for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (if there is no Will) including the preparation and execution of all court documents.

We will work with you to administer the estate including dealing with selling or transferring assets including real estate, closing bank accounts, dealing with super funds and insurers, communicating with beneficiaries, managing investments for minors, distributing funds to beneficiaries, dealing with tax obligations and finalising all estate matters.  This often involves liaising with accountants and financial planners to ensure that things are done as efficiently and as timely as possible.

We can help you with:

  • Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration
  • Reseals of Probate/Letters
  • Administration of Estate
  • Guidance for estates involving ongoing trusts
  • Drafting Deeds of Family Arrangement
  • Estate Disputes - Part IV Applications (Testators Family Maintenance Claims)​