We can help you with:

  • Enduring Powers of Attorney (Financial & Personal)
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney (Medical Treatment)
  • General Powers of Attorney
  • Supportive Powers of Attorney
  • Advanced Care Plans/Directives​

Enduring Powers of Attorney are documents that enable you to plan for your future through the appointment of a person or persons to make decisions on your behalf for financial matters, personal (lifestyle) matters and for medical treatment.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

It’s very important that you appoint a person or persons who you completely trust to manage your affairs and make decisions on your behalf.  We can help you by guiding you in this process, drafting the necessary documents and attending to execution.

It is particularly important that elderly loved ones have Enduring Powers of Attorney so that someone, whether it’s a family member or friend, is able to assist them if the need arises.